Category: ESG (Page 5 of 5)

The Purpose of a Corporation

It will take some time to unpack both the intent and the implications of the Business Roundtable’s redefinition of the purpose of a corporation, but a quick meditation on their announcement on August 19th leads to a very confusing place for a sustainability-minded stakeholder.

On the surface, the “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation”, co-signed by 181 CEOs, seems like a tectonic shift in the alignment of stakeholder values. At long last, corporations are committing to prioritize something beyond unadulterated capitalism. The points they made and the rhetoric they used could have been taken right off the vision boards of a thousand responsible and sustainable investors. The five central principles they outlined are (direct quote from the Business Roundtable, August 19, 2019):

  • Delivering value to our customers. We will further the tradition of American companies leading the way in meeting or exceeding customer expectations. 
  • Investing in our employees. This starts with compensating them fairly and providing important benefits. It also includes supporting them through training and education that help develop new skills for a rapidly changing world. We foster diversity and inclusion, dignity and respect.
  • Dealing fairly and ethically with our suppliers. We are dedicated to serving as good partners to the other companies, large and small, that help us meet our missions. 
  • Supporting the communities in which we work. We respect the people in our communities and protect the environment by embracing sustainable practices across our businesses.
  • Generating long-term value for shareholders, who provide the capital that allows companies to invest, grow and innovate. We are committed to transparency and effective engagement with shareholders.

These principles actually vibrate on the same wavelength as the Certified B Corporation “Declaration of Interdependence”:

  • That we must be the change we seek in the world.
  • That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.
  • That, through their products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.
  • To do so requires that we act with the understanding that we are each dependent upon another and thus responsible for each other and future generations.

So where’s the fly swimming in the punchbowl? The sub-heading for the Roundtable’s press release said the following – “Updated Statement Moves Away from Shareholder Primacy, Includes Commitment to All Stakeholders”. Again, at face value this is a good thing putting aside profit and shareholder value as the priority above all others. But, this announcement lands almost contemporaneously with an announcement that the SEC would be holding meetings to discuss a plan on the table to reign in proxy advisory firms (a prior discussion of this move from Cydney Posner, Cooley LLP on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation can be found here), and during a period where the SEC has been increasingly lining up with companies to brush back shareholder resolutions and keep them off the proxy ballots. This move to limit the shareholder franchise has taken the form of questioning the materiality of the resolution to the overall business, as well as inching toward requiring a minimum percentage of ownership in order to sponsor a resolution. 

The danger here is that the confluence of disenfranchising shareholders with this new announcement from the Business Roundtable could actually mean a net setback if sustainable business behavior is defined almost exclusively by what management says it is without the input from and the natural corrective of the shareholder. That fifth principle is the linchpin to whether this will work or not – being “…committed to transparency and effective engagement with shareholders.” If the SEC defangs the shareholder, what does that actually mean in practice? We have seen repeated examples from aerospace to pharmaceuticals where self-supervision and fast-track regulation lead to bad outcomes for all stakeholders.

The Roundtable is on the right track if these principles are pursued in a regulatory environment that preserves an appropriate level of governance and accountability for shareholders, who are ultimately the only ones that have the ability to hold managements fully responsible in a free market. Employees can quit, customers can boycott and suppliers can freeze their pipelines, but boards and C-suite executives work for the shareholders.

WCM Chart of the Week for April 10, 2019

We’ve been proponents of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment disciplines going back long prior to founding WCM and it is one of our key investment offerings.  A common misperception is that ESG-related investing is prone to significant underperformance due to limitations in order to achieve ESG compliance. This week’s chart shows the total return of the MSCI World ESG Leaders Index and the MSCI World Index over the past five years.  Generally, the two indexes move in a similar direction and over the five year period ending last quarter the annualized performance differential is about 0.2% in favor of the broader index, but the performance differential is not persistent. This is the most naive way to look at ESG investing, but it decisively busts the myth that there is an automatic ESG penalty.

Chart courtesy Bloomberg LP (c) 2019

A moment of gratitude

As we have stated in the past, we consider days like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day to be opportunities to speak less and listen more. Dr. King helped us all to better understand the value to society and to every individual in justice, inclusivity, respectfulness, shared dignity, and equality. These are messages and ideals that should ring throughout the year and not just on a single day. These are messages and ideals that should inform how we live, how we govern, and how we conduct business.

Thank you to Dr. King, and to his compatriots and successors, for words and deeds by which to live and thrive.

Open hiring and unlocking the value of human capital

Profoundly grateful for and inspired by the time and insight the team at Greyston Bakery (@greystonbakery) in Yonkers, NY shared with us. Aside from turning out great brownies under their artisanal label as well as for Ben & Jerry’s, they lead the way in how they think about human capital and the means to staff a very loyal and effective work force and also create tangible social change through economic empowerment. Through their open hiring process, anybody can come apply for a job, and the application is little more than name, address, phone number, email address and what interests you. No pre-qualifications, no background checks, no work histories. Just ready to learn and to work. Even better, they assist their workers with the challenges that face many people in many companies, from childcare and transportation issues to alcohol and drug dependence challenges. They truly embody sustainable business in all parts of the value chain from fair trade suppliers to truly engaged personnel recruitment and management. Check them out at, or in a pint of B&J’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie. The best way to conduct ESG research on a company’s supply chain! Special thanks to Joseph Kenner for hosting, and our friends at Conscious Capital Wealth Management for making arrangements.

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